Introducing a new article series: Building a NuGet packages architecture
Published 3 years ago
I just finished writing a new article series on building a modern software architecture using NuGet packages and feeds. All six parts in the series have now been published.
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Introducing a new article series: Building and auto-deploying an ASP.NET Core application with EF Core 5.0
Published 4 years ago
Over the past couple of weeks I have been working on a new article series on building and auto-deploying an ASP.NET Core application using ASP.NET Core 5.0, Entity Framework Core 5.0, Git, GitHub and Azure DevOps. Just this week I wrapped up the last article and the series is now done! I've published the first article in the series today, and the remaining 6 parts will come online in the coming weeks.
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I'm back!
Published 4 years ago
I can't believe it's been almost 7 years since I last posted something here! Wow, time flies. Here's what happened.
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New Article Series on ASP.NET 4.5 N-Layered Design Now Available for Purchase
Published 11 years ago
I am glad to announce the immediate availability of my new article series on N-Layered Design in ASP.NET 4.5!
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Looking for Reviewers for my new Series on N-Layer Design with ASP.NET 4.5 and Entity Framework 5 Code First
Published 11 years ago
During the past couple of months, I've been hard at work writing a follow up of my article series on N-Layer design for ASP.NET. This was long overdue, as I completed the previous series in early 2009, more than four years ago!
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Renewed as a Microsoft MVP Again!
Published 13 years ago
Today I received the following e-mail from Toby Richards, General Manager of Community & Online Support at Microsoft:
Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2011 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in ASP.NET/IIS technical communities during the past year.
The Microsoft MVP Award provides us the unique opportunity to celebrate and honor your significant contributions and say "Thank you for your technical leadership."

How to Get a Free License of Red Gate's Reflector Version 7
Published 14 years ago
About three weeks ago, Red Gate announced that it will start charging $35 for Reflector version 7, when it comes out in early March. At the same time, they announced that the current free version will stop functioning shortly after that. Reflector has a "time bomb" built-in that requires you to periodically update your copy of Reflector to the latest version. They'll now use this time-bomb to kill the existing version, forcing you to upgrade to the latest - and paid for - version after May 30, 2011.
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Tips for posting in the Wrox Forums
Published 14 years ago
I am an active contributor to the Wrox P2P forums, where I support readers of my books and other programmers that go there with programming related questions. I try to answer as many questions as I can but I only have a limited amount of time. This means I'll give preference to questions that are the easiest to answer. This is not related to the technical difficulty of the problem discussed, but to the quality of the question. Obviously, if you post a clear and concise question, you increase your chances of getting a useful and quick reply as it takes less time to understand the question and come up with an answer. Unfortunately, I see more and more people posting vague questions, and posting them in the wrong category. To avoid typing the same response over and over again asking for clarification, I decided to write a short blog post with a few tips for proper questions in these forums where I can refer to when unclear questions come up. If you get sent to this page, it's not that people don't want to help you; it's that they can't help you because the question is unclear or posted in an inappropriate location. Follow these tips and you'll improve the chances of getting the answer you're waiting for.
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Want to Win a Copy of my Book Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB?
Published 14 years ago
I still have a number of copies of my latest book Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB waiting on my desk for someone to read them. Want to win a copy?
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Follow my Articles About Dynamicweb CMS, eCommerce and Extensibility
Published 14 years ago
You may have noticed that in the past couple of weeks I am posting less frequent on this web site, imar.spaanjaars.com. The reason for the absence of new content is my other, new content project: articles about Dynamicweb CMS and eCommerce.
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