Introducing a new article series: Building a NuGet packages architecture

I just finished writing a new article series on building a modern software architecture using NuGet packages and feeds. All six parts in the series have now been published.

In the series, that targets more experienced developers, I'll show you how to migrate an existing code base to a package based architecture, creating a solution that promotes code reuse, improves maintainability and overall improves the design of your applications.

Overview of the series

Here are the topics discussed in each article in the series:

Part 1 – Introduction

  • An introduction to NuGet.
  • An introduction to the sample project used throughout the article series.
  • How to extract code into various sub projects in preparation of the packaging process. You'll see how to break up a larger project into various smaller projects - each fulfilling a specific requirement - in order to convert them to NuGet packages later.
Part 2 – Building packages
  • How to create packages on your local machine.
  • How to test your packages on your local machine.
Part 3 – Adding packages to a feed using a pipeline in Azure DevOps
  • How to set up an automated build pipeline to compile, build and publish packages.
  • How to manage package versions.
  • How to manage dependencies between packages.
Part 4 – Consuming packages
  • How to update the main application to use the packages from your own feed, replacing the previous project references.
  • How to deal with change – the development cycle of coding – creating a package – consuming that package.
Part 5 – Service registration methods
  • How to improve discoverability and configuration of your packages using service registration methods.
Part 6 – Pro tips to improve your packages
  • How to add metadata to your packages to make them easier to find and use.
  • How to add unit tests to the solution and run them as part of the build pipeline.
  • How to debug your packages from an application that is using those packages.

As usual, I'll provide these articles for free. However, in order to help me pay for the bills to run this web site, I decided to make the entire article series available as a commercial product as well. This means that right now, right here, you can pay a small amount of money for the articles and I'll send them to you by e-mail as one handy full-color PDF. How? Read on....

Purchasing the series

If you would like to read the entire series as a handy single PDF document, you can purchase it for only $8 using one of the methods below. The full PDF document for the entire series is over 60 pages long; 66 to be exact, but that includes the cover page and a number of pages with links / footnotes.

Buy me a coffee

The simplest way to get the series is to "buy me two or more coffees", using this page: Once I have received your payment I'll send you the PDF document to your e-mail address. Make sure you specify your email address and the title of the PDF (NuGet Packages) on the Buy me coffee transaction.


If you prefer PayPal, click the Buy Now button in the form below to go the PayPal website where you'll find a variety of payment methods to complete your purchase.


Finally, anything purchased from my Amazon wish-list qualifies as a payment for the article series. You can find my wish-list here:

Why Am I Charging Money for these Articles?

I really believe in spreading knowledge for free. It's something I have always done and plan to keep on doing as long as I write technical content. I wouldn't know what I know today without the wealth of free information available on the Internet. However, I also have bills to pay. I have a dedicated server up and running 24 hours a day to serve you the content you came looking for here and those things aren't cheap. Unfortunately, my Google ads don't generate any interest.

That's why I decided to offer the entire article series for money, so you can get them all in a single PDF document for easy reading. But you get more than just early access. Here's the deal:

  1. You get the entire article series now, consisting of 60+ pages of content in a single full-color PDF document.

  2. On top of this I'll give you two free "support tickets" where you can contact me directly with on-topic questions regarding this new article. That is, I'll help you answer questions you may have with regards to the article.

So what are you waiting for? Get the article series now!

If you have any questions about the article series or how to purchase them, or have ideas on how to improve the series, be sure to let me know!

Where to Next?

Wonder where to go next? You can read existing comments below or you can post a comment yourself on this article.

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Written by Imar Spaanjaars
Date Posted 01/31/2022 16:30

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