How Do I Fix ASP 80004005 errors?
Published 20 years ago
When you're working with ASP or ASP.NET applications and a Microsoft Access database, you're likely to run into an error like this:
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\YourSite\Databases\YourDatabase.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
/YourSite/YourDataAccessPage.asp, line 15
Alternatively, you may get this error instead:
Operation must use an updateable query.
/YourSite/YourDataAccessPage.asp, line 15
Both errors basically mean the same: the account that your Web server is running under does not have the necessary permissions to read from or write to the database.
This article will explain the steps you need to perform to fix this problem. First I will explain how you can find out the current account that the Web server is using to connect to the database. In the second part of the article I'll explain how to change the security settings so the Web server can successfully access the database.
Read on ...How Do I Precompile an ASP.NET Whidbey Application?
Published 20 years ago
UPDATE (2005-12-06): The compilation features presented in this article are obsolete. It's recommended that you look at Web Deployment Projects instead.
Unlike Web sites created with Visual Studio .NET 2002 or 2003, there is no need to do a full compile of the project whenever something has changed in your site. The new Code Behind feature and the Code directory used in ASP.NET Whidbey allow you to make changes without recompiling. As soon as the changed page gets requested, the .NET FRamework will recompile the page on the fly.
However, it is sometimes useful to compile the application right after you have deployed it. One reason for this precompilation is speed. Another is code protection. A compiled application does not expose its source in the ASPX pages any longer. There are two ways to compile an application at deployment time: In-place compilation and Precompilation for Deployment
Read on ...Why Do I Receive a "The page cannot be found" Error With ASP.NET On Windows Server 2003?
Published 20 years ago
When you have installed ASP.NET on Windows Server 2003, you may receive the following 404 - Page Not Found error:
Read on ...How Do I Store and Access My Connection Strings in ASP.NET 2?
Published 20 years ago
With ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 many people stored their connection strings in the Web.config file under the appSettings element. But is there a better way to save these settings in ASP.NET 2.0?
Read on ...How Do I Print From Internet Explorer Without Raising a Confirmation Dialog?
Published 20 years ago
Update!! 11-29-2005
There seems to be a problem with the code presented in this article, so don't rely on it work anymore. When you click the print button you get an error and nothing gets printed.
So far, I haven't been able to isolate the problem or come up with a solution. It looks like this problem is caused by some security mechanism in Windows XP Service Pack 2. I haven't tested various versions of IE and Windows XP yet, but I am sure it doesn't run on IE 6, SP2 with Windows XP SP2 (well, it doesn't run on *my* IE 6, SP2 with Windows XP SP2 ;-) )
In some scenario's, it could be useful if you were able to print a page from within the browser, without the Print dialog popping up, and without the user confirming the print operation.
How Do I Hide Screen Elements When a Page Is Printed?
Published 21 years ago
It's often useful to hide certain elements when a page gets printed. For example, your Navigation Menu, or a Search button are usually pretty useless on paper.
Read on ...How Do I Select Duplicate Records from a Database Table
Published 21 years ago
This T-SQL snippet allows you to select duplicate records from a database table. The example assumes that the column Id is used to determine whether a record has a duplicate. If multiple columns determine whether a record has a duplicate or not, simply expand the SELECT list and the GROUP BY clause.
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