Rebuilding in ASP.NET MVC 2 - Part 5 - RTW

You may have noticed that I released the final MVC 2 version of my web site at a few days ago.

The biggest change you'll notice is the clean URL structure as discussed here in part 3 of this series. But besides cleaner URLs, a lot has changed under the hood, making it easier for me to manage the site, its content and users, view logs and make change to the UI (which I plan to do somehwere in the futute). Compared to the older ASP.NET 3.5 Web Forms version of the site, I have been able to decrease the LOC (Lines of Code) by 50 percent. Now, LOCs don't say a whole lot about maintenance complexity, but still, it's an interesting achievement.

Instead of disceting the whole site and showing you how I built each feature, I'll be posting a number of links to books, articles, blog posts and forums that have helped me building this web site. 'll be updating this post when I find other interesting stuff, or recall what sources I used to fix certain problems I ran into while building my ASP.NET MVC 2 web site.

Getting Started

As discussed here, you probably want to get yourself a copy of the book Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework by Steven Sanderson. There's an ASP.NET MVC 2 version coming out by the end of this month. Additionally, you may want to check out Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 or the upcoming 2.0 version of that book, both published by Wrox.

Another great place to start is the MVC section of the official ASP.NET web site. In particular, the following areas are very useful:

Blogs you shouldn't miss

Dealing with Exceptions and Request Validation


Unit Testing


Miscellaneous Stuff

Generating Slugs (the SEO friendly versions of categories and titles of posts)

Data Binding and Data Access

Best Practices

Castle Stuff

Where to Next?

Wonder where to go next? You can post a comment on this article.

Doc ID 534
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Written by Imar Spaanjaars
Date Posted 05/25/2010 15:52


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