Release Candidate of new Imar.Spaanjaars.Com Online
I just uploaded the release candidate of my new web site built with ASP.NET MVC to my server.
You can find the new site here:
Since I've made quite a lot of changes to the site's engine compared to the current version, I really could use a helping hand in testing the site. If you want to help out, you can do so by reading some articles, posting comments, rating articles, filling out the contact form and so on on the new site. The site uses a copy of my database so you don't have to worry about messing something up.
The site should be feature complete except for the comment notifications sent by e-mail. Instead of sending out the notifications to real subscribers, they are all dropped in a local drop folder.
If you find an issue: please use the contact form on the existing site to notify me.
Once all open issues have been fixed, I'll put the site on its real URL and write one or more blogs about the changes, and the way I built the site.
Thanks in advance for helping me out!
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Doc ID | 530 |
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Written by | Imar Spaanjaars |
Date Posted | 05/17/2010 15:10 |
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I am interested in what you have to say about this article. Feel free to post any comments, remarks or questions you may have about this article. The Talk Back feature is not meant for technical questions that are not directly related to this article. So, a post like "Hey, can you tell me how I can upload files to a MySQL database in PHP?" is likely to be removed. Also spam and unrealistic job offers will be deleted immediately.
When you post a comment, you have to provide your name and the comment. Your e-mail address is optional and you only need to provide it if you want me to contact you. It will not be displayed along with your comment. I got sick and tired of the comment spam I was receiving, so I have protected this page with a simple calculation exercise. This means that if you want to leave a comment, you'll need to complete the calculation before you hit the Post Comment button.
If you want to object to a comment made by another visitor, be sure to contact me and I'll look into it ASAP. Don't forget to mention the page link, or the Doc ID of the document.