Sometimes the Error Message Says It All...

Sometime ago I was working on a Web Application Project in Visual Studio 2008. The web site I was working on couldn't run against the built-in web development server, so I ran the application against IIS 7 on my Windows Vista machine (IMO, that's probably the best reason to upgrade to Windows Vista if you are a web developer: multiple web sites in IIS 7).

Life was good until I started debugging...

As soon as I hit F5, I got the following error message:

Error message saying: The local IIS URL specified for Web project MyProject has not been configured. To keep these settings you need to configure the virtual directory. Would you like to create the virtual directory now?

I was a bit surprised as I wasn't using a VD, but a root-based web site. I had debugged IIS web sites under Vista many times before and never ran into this problem.

Naturally, pressing Yes didn't solve the problem, and neither did pressing No. In 90% of the cases (and especially so on Vista) these type of errors are related to security, so I went ahead and checked the following:

  • Integrated Security was turned on for the web site.
  • The NTFS settings for the underlying folder were fine.
  • I was running Visual Studio 2008 as an Administrator as that is a requirement for debugging IIS with UAC turned on.
  • On the project's properties debugging was turned on, the URL was OK, the project was in Debug and not Release mode and so on.
  • Many many things more....

I spent way too long trying to figure out what was wrong before it finally hit me: maybe the error message had it right after all? Maybe there was no I opened up the IIS Manager, found my site and looked at the host headers:

IIS Showing a different host header.

Although the site was named, the actual host header was set to IIS couldn't find the right site, and instead gave me a correct error message.

So, next time you run into a debug error, make sure you are really debugging the site that you think you are debugging... ;-)

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Written by Imar Spaanjaars
Date Posted 04/05/2008 19:29

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