How to Check if Two Objects Look Like Each Other Without Using Equals
A colleague (from Design IT) and I were discussing a simple way to check two instances of an object. We wanted to know if all the public properties on one instance were holding the same values as the one on the other instance. We wanted to use this knowledge in a few unit tests to simply check all public fields on an instance in one fell swoop.
Since we didn't want this exact behavior at run-time we couldn't override Equals and check all object's properties, so we had to look for a different solution.
Consider an Address class for example, perhaps the one used in my series about N-Layer design. As you can imagine, an Address has properties like Street, HouseNumber, ZipCode and CountryCode. It could also have non-core properties like UpdateDateTime (a DateTime) and UpdatedBy (a Guid perhaps). An override of Equals could mark two instances of Address to be the same if the properties Street, HouseNumber, ZipCode and CountryCode contain the same value on both instances.
However, in our unit tests, we also wanted to make sure that other properties like UpdateDateTime and UpdatedBy would contain the same values when we were dealing with two identical objects (content wise, not reference wise). Obviously, we could simply do something like this:
Assert.AreEqual<DateTime>(instanceA.UpdateDateTime, instanceB.UpdateDateTime); Assert.AreEqual<Guid>(instanceA.UpdatedBy, instanceB.UpdatedBy);
But what happens when we would add a new property? For example, what happens if we add a CreateDateTime property to the Address class and forget to update the unit test? We'd probably miss this new property so we won't be able to tell if two instances contain the same value easily and fail the test if they aren't.
With a bit of reflection, it's reasonably easy to take two object instances and compare all their public properties. The following snippet shows a possible implementation of the LookLikeEachOther method on the new InstanceAssert class:
C# public static void LookLikeEachOther(object a, object b) { Type typeA = a.GetType(); Type typeB = b.GetType(); Assert.AreEqual(typeA, typeB, "The types of instances a and b are not the same."); PropertyInfo[] myProperties = typeA.GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (PropertyInfo myPropertyA in myProperties) { PropertyInfo myPropertyB = typeB.GetProperty(myPropertyA.Name); Assert.IsNotNull(myPropertyB, string.Format(@"The property {0} from instance a was not found on instance b.", myPropertyA.Name)); Assert.AreEqual<Type>(myPropertyA.PropertyType, myPropertyB.PropertyType, string.Format(@"The type of property {0} on instance a is different from the one on instance b.", myPropertyA.Name)); Assert.AreEqual(myPropertyA.GetValue(a, null), myPropertyB.GetValue(b, null), string.Format(@"The value of the property {0} on instance a is different from the value on instance b.", myPropertyA.Name)); } } VB.NET Public Shared Sub LookLikeEachOther(ByVal a As Object, ByVal b As Object) Dim typeA As Type = a.[GetType]() Dim typeB As Type = b.[GetType]() Assert.AreEqual(typeA, typeB, "The types of instances a and b are not the same.") Dim myProperties As PropertyInfo() = typeA.GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly _ Or BindingFlags.[Public] Or BindingFlags.Instance) For Each myPropertyA As PropertyInfo In myProperties Dim myPropertyB As PropertyInfo = typeB.GetProperty(myPropertyA.Name) Assert.IsNotNull(myPropertyB, String.Format("The property {0} from instance a " & _ "was not found on instance b.", myPropertyA.Name)) Assert.AreEqual(myPropertyA.PropertyType, myPropertyB.PropertyType, _ String.Format("The type of property {0} on instance a is different from " & _ "the one on instance b.", myPropertyA.Name)) Assert.AreEqual(myPropertyA.GetValue(a, Nothing), myPropertyB.GetValue(b, Nothing), _ String.Format("The value of the property {0} on instance a is different from " & _ "the value on instance b.", myPropertyA.Name)) Next End Sub
With this new method, checking two instances for content equality is now as easy as:
Address addressA = SomeMethodThatReturnsAnAddress("a"); Address addressB = SomeMethodThatReturnsAnAddress("a"); InstanceAssert.LookLikeEachOther(addressA, addressB);
If the properties of the two instances of addressA and addressB all contain the same values, this code runs successfully and doesn't assert. If the instances are not the same, or one of the properties contains a different value the LookLikeEachOther method will assert where necessary, causing the test to fail.
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One extension to this method could be an overload that accepts a string[] holding the names of the properties to ignore in the test. This could be useful if you have properties like a timestamp that you want to leave out of the compare operation
Unfortunately, since the Assert class is static, you cannot extend that class with an extension method like LookLikeEachOther. Therefore, I had to create a new static class called InstanceAssert. Do you know of any better solution to more tightly integrate the LookLikeEachOther method in the testing framework? In the project where we use this code we make use of the built-in unit testing features of Visual Studio 2008, but the same principle should apply to other frameworks like NUnit as well.
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Written by | Imar Spaanjaars |
Date Posted | 03/18/2008 22:27 |
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