Grrrr, I Hate automatic Spam Detection Systems

I just spent some time answering a question I received from someone called Bill who found an old thread on the forum. 10 seconds after I sent my reply, I received the following automatic reply.

I apologize for this automatic reply to your email.

To control spam, I now allow incoming messages only from senders I have approved beforehand.

If you would like to be added to my list of approved senders, please fill out the short request form (see link below). Once I approve you, I will receive your original message in my inbox. You do not need to resend your message. I apologize for this one-time inconvenience.

Click the link below to fill out the request:

Grrrr, I hate systems like this. Bill is just an example here, but I have received many others in the past. I don't want to go to another web site to be "added to someone's list of approved senders". In fact, I don't want to take any action at all if all I want to do is send a reply to a message I have received.

If you take the time to send me a message asking for help and you know you have such an anti-spam system in place, why don't you spend some time adding my address to the approved sender list beforehand as the automatic message seems to suggest you do? And if you don't know my address up front, why don't you give me a "safe address" that I should reply to?

If that's too much trouble, don't be surprised if people don't respond to your e-mail.....

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Doc ID 437
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Written by Imar Spaanjaars
Date Posted 02/09/2008 11:22

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I am interested in what you have to say about this article. Feel free to post any comments, remarks or questions you may have about this article. The Talk Back feature is not meant for technical questions that are not directly related to this article. So, a post like "Hey, can you tell me how I can upload files to a MySQL database in PHP?" is likely to be removed. Also spam and unrealistic job offers will be deleted immediately.

When you post a comment, you have to provide your name and the comment. Your e-mail address is optional and you only need to provide it if you want me to contact you. It will not be displayed along with your comment. I got sick and tired of the comment spam I was receiving, so I have protected this page with a simple calculation exercise. This means that if you want to leave a comment, you'll need to complete the calculation before you hit the Post Comment button.

If you want to object to a comment made by another visitor, be sure to contact me and I'll look into it ASAP. Don't forget to mention the page link, or the Doc ID of the document.

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