Talking About My Generation

Ever since I posted my article series about N-Layer design, people asked me if I use any code generators to create the basic framework for the classes used in my model. The usual answer was: yes, I do, but I use a home grown code generator for it, making it impossible to share it with others. Fortunately, that has changed....

One of the readers of my N-Layer series, named Hyzac has supplied a set of templates used for the tool My Generation, a great and very flexible open source code generator. These templates can be used to generate the VB.NET version of classes based on my N-Layer architecture. Currently, there's no C# version available.

All you need to do is place the templates (that you can download at the end of this post), put them in the Templates folder, point to a database and you're good to go. With a simple press of a button, you get the code for the BO, Bll, and Dal classes. Clean, simple, and very effective.

In fact, I got so enthusiastic by these templates and how easy they were to use, that I reevaluated My Generation and decided to start using it within Design IT, the company I work for.

Do you use any code generators to generate classes that fit within my N-Layer design model? Or do you have a different set of My Generation templates (in DotNetScript or targeting C# for example?) And do you want to share them? If so, send them to me, and I'll be happy to post them here on my site.

Note: I have looked at the MyGeneration templates and from what I have seen so far, they look fine. However, since I didn't write them, I cannot support them. If you have questions about them, I may be able to put you in contact with Hyzac.

Have fun!



The MyGeneration templates for the Bll, BO and Dal classes

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Doc ID 435
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Written by Imar Spaanjaars
Date Posted 02/03/2008 13:10


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