My New Project
I am currently working on a new book called Beginning ASP.NET 3.5: in C# and VB. This book, targeting the beginning programmer interested in building ASP.NET web sites with Visual Web Developer 2008 will be the successor to the popular Wrox book Beginning ASP.NET 2.0, written by a team of great Wrox authors.
So, I am facing a great challenge here: I have to be at least as good as they have been, and I have to do it on my own.
But so far things are going great. I am making good progress and I am still on schedule. Working with the new Visual Studio 2008 release has been a great pleasure so far and I can't wait to get the final RTM version of it (so I can start looking at the next release of Visual Studio after Orcas, called Texel, Terschelling or Vlieland, or whatever island black-op code name they are going to give it this time ;-) They'll probably stick to Hawaii though)
Writing the book is keeping me pretty busy (as I also have my job as technical director at Design IT) so I don't really have the time to write for this web site. As soon as the dust settles, I'll start writing some articles again.
Oh, and if you want to know when the book's done, I'll answer with a quote from my favorite game development company (id software): "it's ready when it's done". although Amazon seems to have a firm believe the book is available in March 2008. Stay tuned......
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Written by | Imar Spaanjaars |
Date Posted | 08/24/2007 23:21 |
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