What Does it Take to Be an MVP ASP.NET?
He asked about things like how I format the code in my articles, how I include and link to my images and if I was using the QueryString with Data Controls to determine what article to display on my site.
So far so good; happens about 10 times a week and usually I send a speedy reply, detailing some of the things that drive my site and refer people to my latest book that explains some of this in full detail. However, this time I noticed that the signature said that the sender was an MVP (Most Valued Professional) and a an MCT. Being a little surprised that an MVP would ask these kind of basic question that could have been answered in 2 seconds by using the View Source command in his browser, I sent him a reply, detailing the things he asked about, and in turn asked him in what area he was an MVP.
He said he was an MVP in ASP.NET and MCT, MCPD, MCP, and MCTS for that matter. Lots of acronyms, making me even more surprised about his basic questions.
So, I asked him:
"How come you ask basic questions like 'How do you format your code' if you are an ASP.NET MVP? A 2-second look at the code would have revealed that. ;-) "
And then things went wrong. He replied that he didn't have to prove to me he was an MVP ("I an MVP and not waiting your certificate to be an MVP or not." were his exact words) and that he only wanted help with some tricky things.
Apparently, he felt attacked by my question. I politely replied saying that I wasn't trying to be rude, but that I just didn't understand it and was hoping he could shed some light on that. Haven't heard from him since.
Now where did we go wrong? Did I cross the line and asked something I shouldn't have asked? Or did he feel attacked because he was caught asking for things he could have known or found out himself in a split second? I am not an MVP myself, and I don't know the criteria to become one. But is it really possible you're an ASP.NET MVP without knowing the View Source command in the browser? Be an MCPD without a solid understanding of CSS to format block elements? Don't they teach the use of the Query String anymore during MCTS trainings?
I can hardly imagine that but it's either that, or I was dealing with someone with a thin skin (long toes as we would say in the Netherlands).
Do you know an MVP ASP.NET or are you one yourself? Can you shed some light on this issue? Do you know your CSS and View Source commands?? Then don't be shy and post your comments below this blog post. Oh, and if the original poster is reading this: feel free to join in as well. Like I said, I didn't want to be rude; I was (and am) just curious....
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Links in this Document
Doc ID | 429 |
Full URL | https://imar.spaanjaars.com/429/what-does-it-take-to-be-an-mvp-aspnet |
Short cut | https://imar.spaanjaars.com/429/ |
Written by | Imar Spaanjaars |
Date Posted | 07/18/2007 20:21 |
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