New RSS Feature Launched!

As of today, you can also access my site's content through RSS.

Since I don't post content that frequently on this site, I got a lot of requests for an RSS feed, so you don't need to go to the site and check, but get notififed whenever new content arrives. Since I was already exposing some of my content through my public Web Services, adding an RSS feed was extremely easy.

You can access the site through the /Rss folder, located here: http://Imar.Spaanjaars.Com/Rss. Simply add this URL to your feed reader and you're good to go.

If you have a modern feed reader, like RSS Bandit, or Internet Explorer 7 you'll be able to see the comments posted below each article on my web site as sub items in your reader or as a link to a separate page with the comments under the article. The following image shows how this looks in RSS Bandit:

Preview of my blogs in RSS Bandit

while Internet Explorer 7.0 (currently in beta) shows this:

Preview of my blogs in Internet Explorer 7

By default, many feed readers will check a feed every 60 minutes or so. For my server, however, this is way too often. If you want to help limiting the amount of bandwith my server consumes, resulting in overall improved of the entire site, please change the change frequence in your RSS application to once a day or so.

Have fun with it and, as always, comments are more than welcome.

Where to Next?

Wonder where to go next? You can read existing comments below or you can post a comment yourself on this article.

Doc ID 387
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Written by Imar Spaanjaars
Date Posted 03/31/2006 23:22
Listened to when writing Bloed, Zweet en Tranen by André Hazes (Track 11 from the album: 25 Jaar Hazes, Het Allerbeste van [CD II])

Talk Back! Comment on Imar.Spaanjaars.Com

I am interested in what you have to say about this article. Feel free to post any comments, remarks or questions you may have about this article. The Talk Back feature is not meant for technical questions that are not directly related to this article. So, a post like "Hey, can you tell me how I can upload files to a MySQL database in PHP?" is likely to be removed. Also spam and unrealistic job offers will be deleted immediately.

When you post a comment, you have to provide your name and the comment. Your e-mail address is optional and you only need to provide it if you want me to contact you. It will not be displayed along with your comment. I got sick and tired of the comment spam I was receiving, so I have protected this page with a simple calculation exercise. This means that if you want to leave a comment, you'll need to complete the calculation before you hit the Post Comment button.

If you want to object to a comment made by another visitor, be sure to contact me and I'll look into it ASAP. Don't forget to mention the page link, or the Doc ID of the document.

(Plain text only; no HTML or code that looks like HTML or XML. In other words, don't use < and >. Also no links allowed.