New Article Series on ASP.NET 4.5 N-Layered Design Now Available for Purchase

I am glad to announce the immediate availability of my new article series on N-Layered Design in ASP.NET 4.5!

If you want to directly order the article series "Building N-Layered Applications with ASP.NET 4.5" you can do so now using the form below. The article and source are sent to you by e-mail as soon as possible.

Many of you may already be familiar with my previous and highly popular series on N-Layered Design in ASP.NET 3.5 that I released in 2008 and 2009. You may also be aware of the fact I have been announcing a follow up series on this topic for some time. Today the time is finally there: I just published Part 1 on my web site. Before I show you the link to the first part, let me briefly provide some background on the new series, and the time-line for the other parts.

Today, June 28, 2013 I published Part 1 which contains an overview of the new sample application, reflects on the previous version of the N-Layered design and sample application and looks ahead of what's to come in the new series. Additionally, this article explains the new design and architecture of the application, showing you the new code organization, project structure, namespace division and much more. Here's a description of all 10 parts in the series:

Part 1 - Introduction
In this article you’ll get a high-level overview of the architecture and see how I set up my projects, namespaces, classes etc. I’ll describe the purpose and responsibility of each of the main projects and how they work together.

Part 2 - Setting up the Solution in Visual Studio
In this article I’ll show you how to setup the solution using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. I’ll show you how to organize your projects and solution on disk, and how to prepare the solution for integration with TFS so it allows for easy team development and branching.  I’ll show you how to use NuGet to add and maintain third party libraries in the projects.

Part 3 - Making your Project Unit Testable
This article shows you how to add unit test projects to your solution and how to set them up. I’ll be using a third party library called FluentAssertions to make your tests easier to write and understand.

Part 4 - Implementing a Model
In this article you’ll see how to set up the domain model for the application. It borrows heavily from the original application by reusing the main classes from the BusinessEntities project. This part focuses purely on the domain model, as interaction with the database is handled by a separate Visual Studio project that uses EF Code First, discussed in Part 5.

Part 5 - Implementing a Repository with Entity Framework 5 Code First
In this article you’ll see how to use Entity Framework 5 Code First to implement a data access layer that maps your model to an underlying (SQL Server) database. I’ll show you how to use the repository pattern to centralize data access code and make it available to other calling code. This article also talks about validation. Validation was a big feature of the 3.5 version of my framework, so it makes sense to implement it in the new version as well. You’ll see how to implement a validation strategy that is somewhat similar to the previous design in that it provides both property and object level validation. However, using built-in functionalities from the .NET Framework and the Entity Framework will make it much easier to implement the same validation in other applications such as an ASP.NET MVC site.

Part 6 - Putting it all together - Implementing an MVC 4 Frontend
In this article you’ll see how to implement an MVC 4 frontend using the model and repositories introduced in the earlier articles. The demo application enables you to manage contact people as well as their contact details such as addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers. You’ll see how to use Dependency Injection to inject the repository and other dependencies into the MVC controllers and how the controllers then use the repository to get data in and out of the database.

Part 7 - Putting it all together - Implementing a Web Forms 4.5 Frontend
In this article you’ll see how to implement an ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms frontend using the model and repositories introduced in the earlier articles. The frontend of the application is almost the same as the MVC application, but now everything is implemented using ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms and the new model binding capabilities introduced in ASP.NET 4.5.

Part 8 - Putting it all together - Implementing a WCF 4.5 Frontend
In this article you’ll see how to implement a WCF 4.5 service frontend using the model and repositories introduced in the earlier articles. The WCF service enables calling applications to retrieve contact people. In addition it also allows a calling application to create new and modify and/or delete existing contact people.

Part 9 - Putting it all together - Importing Data from the old Database using the API
This article shows you how to use the API of the application to import legacy data from an existing data source such as a CSV file. This serves as an example on accessing data using an application that has no UI and that just uses the application’s API.

Part 10 – Extensions, Tools and Wrapping Up
In the final part of the series I’ll show you some interesting tools that you can use when building applications like the ContactManager. I’ll also look at some extensions you could write and then summarize the full series.

I'll publish Part 2, which deals with setting up the Visual Studio 2012 solution, within the next two weeks or so. After that, I'll publish a new part roughly every two weeks until all 10 parts have been published online.

As usual, I'll provide these articles for free. However, in order to help me pay for the bills to run this web site, I decided to make the entire article series available as a commercial download as well. This means that right now, right here, you can pay a small amount of money for the articles and I'll send them to you by e-mail. How? you say. Read on....

Why Am I Charging Money for these Articles?

I really believe in spreading knowledge for free. It's something I have always been doing and plan to keep on doing as long as I write technical content. I wouldn't know what I know today without the wealth of free information available on the Internet. However, I also have bills to pay. I have a dedicated server up and running 24 hours a day to serve you the content you came looking for here and those things aren't cheap. Unfortunately, the Google ads and PayPal donation buttons don't generate any interest.

That's why I decided to offer the entire article series for money, so you can get early access to them. Buy the series now, and you'll be reading them ASAP instead of waiting for weeks before the entire series is out. But you get more than just early access. Here's the deal:

  1. The entire article series consists of around 160 pages of content in a single full-color PDF document.

  2. Together with the PDF file you get the full source of the application (no need to wait for part 2 to appear when I'll publish the code publicly for the first time).

  3. You can buy the entire series on-line now using the PayPal Buy Now button below for only $ 20.00. Note: you don't need to a PayPal account to use this feature; you can use PayPal's credit card only feature. Depending on what you make or cost as a developer, that equates to anywhere between a few minutes and an hour of your time. If you don't like PayPal or don't have a credit card, you can also buy something from my Amazon Wishlist. Anything on that list counts as a payment for the article series.

  4. On top of this I'll give you two free "support tickets" where you can contact me directly with on-topic questions regarding this new article and its design. That is, I'll help you answer questions you may have with regards to the article, whether it is about the Contact Manager Application from the article and its design, or about your own application where you apply my principles.

To see what the entire article contains, take a look at its table of contents downloadable as a PDF file. Please note: the actual page count in the TOC is different from the final file due the differences in publishing mechanisms. The final article contains over 160 pages.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click the Buy Now button below and buy the entire article series, the full source and free support tickets!

Buy the series now using PayPal for only $20.00! Make sure you enter a valid e-mail address where I can send the PDF document and source to and click the Buy Now button. As soon as I have received your payment, I'll send you the document and the full source code.


Alternatively, visit my Amazon wishlist and send me one of the products from the list in return for the article series, source and support tickets. Make sure you specify your e-mail address somewhere in the order so I know where to send your PDF to.

If you have any questions about this purchase, PayPal, my Amazon wishlist or your order, contact me through my Contact page.

A big thanks to the people who reviewed this article and helped me find and fix issues in the text and code:

  • Ben Fox
  • Paul Hudson
  • Bart van Uden
  • Spiro Uyar

Your contributions have helped greatly in improving this article series. Many thanks!

Now, if you decide not to buy the articles right now, feel free to check out part 1.

Where to Next?

Wonder where to go next? You can post a comment on this article.

Doc ID 587
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Written by Imar Spaanjaars
Date Posted 06/28/2013 16:45
Date Last Updated 11/02/2020 12:11


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