What's wrong with this picture?

Update 02/13/2009: Somebody with influence is reading this blog too, as the article has now been removed. Excellent!

While checking the referrers of my web site today, I ran into this URL:


At first you may notice nothing strange. Sure, the content of that article is identical to that of mine located here: http://imar.spaanjaars.com/404/using-the-microsoft-access-providers-to-replace-the-built-in-sql-server-providers (except for the "please don't steal my copyrighted material cat protecting my stuff ;-) ). But that happens all the time.

No, what really struck me, is that our friend Dr. Shanyou Zhang here is a Microsoft MVP. An MVP!!! Being recently awarded with the MVP title, I sort of understand what it is you need to do to get that award. As far as I know, plagiarism isn't among the qualities listed....

Maybe there's a special Chinese version of the award? The Chinese Most Vicious Plagiarist?

Come on, Dr. Shanyou Zhang, if that's your real and not a copied name. Be honest to your MVP title, remove stolen content and respect other people's intellectual property! I looked for a way to contact you personally on your web site, but couldn't find one; so that's why I am writing this here in public. Hope you read it some day and feel ashamed. 


Of course it is very well possible that Shanyou Zhang is a sincere person and that some other Chinese dude ripped my content *and* stole Shanyou Zhang's identity and MVP logo. In that case: I apologize for this rant....


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Doc ID 484
Full URL https://imar.spaanjaars.com/484/whats-wrong-with-this-picture
Short cut https://imar.spaanjaars.com/484/
Written by Imar Spaanjaars
Date Posted 01/24/2009 00:57
Listened to when writing Narcoleptic by Placebo (Track 11 from the album: Black Market Music)


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