Fun With Extension Methods - Extending IDataRecord

For some reason, the IDataRecord interface and classes that implement it (DbDataReader, SqlDataReader and so on) only have Get* methods that accept the zero-based column index of a column in the result set. They don't allow you to get data by specifying a column name. As an example, consider the private FillDataRecord method to fill an e-mail address, as discussed in my article series about N-Layer development.

private static EmailAddress FillDataRecord(IDataRecord myDataRecord)
  EmailAddress myEmailAddress = new EmailAddress();
  myEmailAddress.Id = 
  myEmailAddress.Email = 
  // More fields here
  return myEmailAddress;

The GetInt32 and GetString methods only have a single overload: one that accepts the zero-based index of the column. To satisfy these method signatures and make your code more readable at the same time, you can use GetOrdinal as shown in the previous example. Based on the column's name, GetOrdinal returns the column index. So, given the fact that the Id column is the first in the result set and Email the second, the previous piece of code equates to this:

myEmailAddress.Id = myDataRecord.GetInt32(0);
myEmailAddress.Email = myDataRecord.GetString(1);

Clearly, this is much more difficult to read and maintain than the previous example as you need to know the column indices and you should take great care not to mess with the column order in your select statements.

With a few extension methods, you can have the short syntax of the latter example, but still have readable code as the first example.

The trick for this is to implement a number of extension methods for IDataRecord. This interface is implemented by a number of data aware classes, like the DbDataReader, the SqlDataReader, the OleDbReader and so on. These readers help you copy data out of the current record from the database into your own variables.

Each extension method accepts an instance that implements the IDataRecord interface and a column name. Internally, it calls the GetOrdinal method to "translate" the column name into its zero-based index, and then calls the existing Get* method on the IDataRecord that is being extended. Below is an example of the GetBoolean method that returns a bool from the database. The download at the end of the article contains implementations and comments for all the relevant Get* methods of the IDataRecord interface, allowing you to get at other data than booleans alone as well.

namespace Spaanjaars.Toolkit.Extensions
  /// <summary>
  /// Provides a set of extension methods for the IDataRecord class adding 
  /// support for calling the Get* methods with a column name as well.
  /// </summary>
  public static class IDataRecordExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the value of the specified column as a Boolean.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="myIDataRecord">The IDataRecord to extend.</param>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the column in the result set.</param>
    /// <returns>The value of the specified column.</returns>
    public static bool GetBoolean(this IDataRecord myIDataRecord, string name)
      return myIDataRecord.GetBoolean(myIDataRecord.GetOrdinal(name));

If you import the Spaanjaars.Toolkit.Extensions namespace into your code with a using (C#) or Imports (VB) statement, you can now use the following code to get the exact same behavior:

private static EmailAddress FillDataRecord(IDataRecord myDataRecord)
  EmailAddress myEmailAddress = new EmailAddress();
  myEmailAddress.Id = myDataRecord.GetInt32("Id");
  myEmailAddress.Email = myDataRecord.GetString("Email");
  // More fields here
  return myEmailAddress;

A lot cleaner to read, and much easier to maintain. And, as you might expect, IntelliSense and help just work as advertised:

IntelliSense popping up for the new extension method

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Written by Imar Spaanjaars
Date Posted 03/17/2008 18:39
Listened to when writing Silver Rocket by Sonic Youth (Track 2 from the album: Daydream Nation)


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