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Welcome to the personal web site of Imar Spaanjaars where I write about software development with a focus on Microsoft web technologies
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Smoothing Out Page Transitions

Published 19 years ago

To avoid page flickering when you (re)load a page, you can add the following (Internet Explorer only) <meta> tags to the <head> section of your page.

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How Do I Make a Full Table Row Clickable?

Published 19 years ago

Update 7/28/2010: I just wrote a new version of this article using jQuery. You can find the new article here.

It's a common scenario to display an HTML table with items, like products, employees and so on, and then link each item to a detail page where you can display the full details of this item.

The link is often represented by a button or text link in one of the columns. But to make it easier for your users to select a specific item, you could make the full row clickable. With a bit of JavaScript, this is pretty easy to do.

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Implemented CAPTCHA Security to Protect the Contact Page

Published 19 years ago

With today's site update I have protected the Contact page with a CAPTCHA security mechanism. CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart" and can be used to prevent automated attacks on pages that allow a user to submit Comments, Contact details, Orders and so on.

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Passing Multiple Parameters to a Crystal Report Programmatically

Published 19 years ago

Passing a parameter to a Crystal Report is easy; all you need to do is drop a ready-made parameter field from the Field Explorer to your report and when the report is loaded, the user is asked for the parameter's value automatically.

Passing multiple parameter values to a report programmatically is a bit trickier.

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How Do I Avoid Merged Properties in the Property Grid?

Published 19 years ago

Under normal circumstances, when you select multiple controls on a Web page, the property grid for the designer, like Visual Studio .NET or the Web Matrix, shows an intersection of the properties of the controls you selected. That is, it merges the properties that exist in all the controls and shows them in the grid as one property. This is often very useful as it allows you to quickly set the properties of a lot of controls to the same values, like the font for example.

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How Do I Hide the Properties of My Server Control From the Property Grid?

Published 19 years ago

By default, all properties defined in your control will show up in the property grid when your control is selected in a designer like Visual Studio .NET or the Web Matrix. Often this is exactly what you want, but sometimes it doesn't make sense to have your properties displayed in the grid. For example, a read-only property isn't really useful to display; you should be able to access the property's value using code, but it's not necessary to display it in the grid.

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Enhancing Design-Time Support in your Controls

Published 19 years ago

Server controls allow a page developer to drag and drop a page together in no to time. Most of these controls come "out of the box" with ASP.NET like the TextBox, the Label, the DataGrid and many other controls. Changing the appearance and behavior of these controls is often as easy as visually setting a few properties in the properties grid for your design application, like Visual Studio .NET or the Web Matrix.. To make this process even easier, many properties can be expanded and collapsed in the property grid. By collapsing a property like the Font style, you end up with a shorter and much cleaner property list, making it easier to locate and change your properties.

Adding these collapsible properties to your own server controls is possible as well. This article will guide you through the process of creating a simple server control that exposes a collapsible property in the property grid of visual designers like Visual Studio.NET or the Web Matrix.

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How Do I Debug the Design-Time Support Of My Server Controls?

Published 19 years ago

Debugging your server controls isn't too difficult. If your control and your consuming Web project are in the same Visual Studio .NET solution, debugging the control is as easy as setting a breakpoint and running your application in Debug mode. Debugging the Design-Time support of your controls is a bit trickier.

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How Do I Display a List With Control IDs in a Control's Property?

Published 19 years ago

When you're building your own Server Controls you may have the need to hook up one control to another. This is a common practice with the ASP.NET Validator controls, for example. As soon as you drop a validator control on your page, the ControlToValidate drop-down displays a list with controls that can be validated. Adding this behavior to your own server controls is not as difficult as you might think.

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SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services

Published 19 years ago

I have been playing around with Microsoft's SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services and I must say I am pretty impressed.

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